Sunday, February 18, 2024

Week of Feb 18 - NEWS

Meeting on Wednesday, Feb 21

Attend our meeting on Wednesday, Feb 21 from 6-7:30 at Humble Coffee at 505 Central. We are having a speaker and some great opportunities to get involved in local projects. 

Join your neighborhood association

In the City of Albuquerque, neighborhood associations have a weighted voice in changes to the neighborhood. Use your voice, it has power!

To find your neighborhood association, check out this website

Check out this map of all the associations in ABQ: 

Urban Land Institute Sip and Social 

Tuesday, Feb 20 ULI Meeting ADUs: What’s new and next? 
4:30-6:30pm at New Mexico Apartment Advisors, 100 Gold Ave SW, Suite 108
Albuquerque, NM 87102. 

If you are not a member, you need to purchase a ticket. Visit the website to register for the event. 

Rail Trail Public Comment Open

Survey closes March 8. Click here to complete the survey.

Check out the summary report of the project here

Bridge Boulevard Redesign

There is a project to redesign Bridge Blvd. It is open to public comment, closing on Feb 29. Strong Towns ABQ will be providing some talking points about this at our upcoming meeting. This is a great opportunity to improve transit and pedestrian safety. 

I-25 Redesign Public Meeting on Thursday, February 22

Thursday, Feb 22 from 5-7:30pm, come share your input on the redesign of 1-25 and Gibson. 

Meeting is at East San Jose Elementary School (415 Thaxton Ave SE). 

This is a way we can shape the future of our built environment. Come use your voice! 

And if you have ideas about the 1-25 project, you can still share a public comment. Share your ideas to Even though the public comment period is “officially” over, but comments are still be accepted via email. 

Strong Towns Podcast

As we are in talks redesigning 1-25 throughout the heart of our city, I found this conversation timely. Austin is working on a similar project. Check out the podcast for an interesting conversation about the coalition building that has happened around this project, and how voices make a difference. 

Santolina Development Meeting Tuesday, Feb 20


Study Commissioned by New Mexico State Legislature 
Conducted by UNM Bureau of Business & Economic Research 

A new study commissioned by the New Mexico State Legislature and conducted by the University of New Mexico Bureau of Business & Economic Research (BBER) found that the 2013 projections for population growth, jobs created, and number of housing units needed that developers relied on to promote the highly controversial Santolina Development project were “unrealistic” and “highly unlikely.”

UNM BBER published their report, entitled “Potential Impacts from Santolina Development,” on their website in November 2023. The UNM Press Office issued a press release in December. 

An impartial analysis from The University of New Mexico’s Bureau of Business and Economic Research (BBER) evaluating the economic and fiscal impacts of the proposed Santolina development finds that buildout targets are likely too high, which could generate lower tax revenues than initially expected.

Clearly, the Bernalillo County Commission's (BCC) rationale used to approve the Level A Master Plan was based on inaccurate and unrealistic numbers and projections; because of this uncertainty, the decision should be revisited and reviewed for validity. The analysis is also important because the BCC is considering the new Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan at its March 19th meeting – a Plan that relies heavily on the success of the Santolina project.

The 56-page report is posted on UNM BBER’s website at this link. The one-page executive summary on page 6 can be accessed at this link.

The Report’s author, Julian Baca, Senior Research Scientist at BBER, will be making a presentation to the Bernalillo County Commission on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 during the meeting that begins at 5pm.

The BCC meeting will be held in person at 415 Silver Ave. SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102, and online. The agenda will be available here. The public may provide public comment by signing up at this link.

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