About Strong Towns ABQ

Strong Towns ABQ is a local chapter of the national organization Strong Towns. 

From the Strong Towns website: 

We seek to replace America’s post-war pattern of development, the Suburban Experiment, with a pattern of development that is financially strong and resilient. We advocate for cities of all sizes to be safe, livable, and inviting. We work to elevate local government to be the highest level of collaboration for people working together in a place, not merely the lowest level in a hierarchy of governments.

Strong Towns looks to achieve this goal by supporting local chapters around the country to advocate for better local development in their communities. 

Strong Towns ABQ was started in 2023 by a couple of curious nerds who wanted to chat about street width and mixed use development. The initial meeting had 3 RSVPs, and 75 people showed up after word got out via the internet. A new local chapter was born!

The leadership team of Strong Towns ABQ consists of the following volunteers: 

Brandi Thompson is a nurse on the flight team at UNMH. In one of her previous lives, she received a degree in conservation and environmental science, and has always been interested in urban planning. As a previous bicycle commuter, she is motivated to increase street safety so she can safely ride her bike to work again! She also lives near San Mateo and wants to see traffic calming and more economic development in this area. 

Shaun Hart: I am originally from Ohio but have called multiple states across the country home, including multiple states in the Southwest. I have held several jobs in the service of others including time spent in the United States Air Force, and working in kitchens as a chef. During covid I achieved my masters in Community Development with a focus in natural resource management and sustainability, which has led me here to Strong Towns, where I hope to make a difference. 

Austin Anaya: Originally from Moriarty, New Mexico, I have spent most of my life in or near Albuquerque. After some years as a student in Colorado, I held various professional positions including as an economist focusing on climate policy for the New Mexico Environment Department. I'm currently a financial analyst at the New Mexico Finance Authority and write a sustainability blog called Complex Effects. As an economist, bicycle commuter, and resident of Albuquerque's Barelas neighborhood, I'm interested in the inclusive and sustainable development of Albuquerque - making Strong Towns a natural draw for me.

Alex Riegler: Alex Riegler is an urbanist at heart. He walks to work everyday and for everything else he primarily utilizes his bike and public transportation to get around. He sees the inefficiencies of the urban fabric of Albuquerque and believes that there is potential for improvement. 

Althea Atherton: (they/them) is a transit rider organizer and parent located in Albuquerque, New Mexico with a background in community organizing and nonprofit work. They are a "lifelong learner" with a degree in Gender and Psychology from the University of Massachusetts- Lowell and a student in Geography, Geology, and Geographic Information Technology at CNM. Mx. Atherton serves on the City of Albuquerque Transit Advisory Board, the Victory Hills Neighborhood Association board, as the District 6 Coalition Chair on Transportation, and teaches comprehensive sexuality education to youth and adults at their church

Jude Miller: I have called Albuquerque home for the past 20 years. I am currently working as a software developer and have past experience in community planning and education. As a bike commuter and supporter of public transit, I want to see this city take steps to provide safe and equitable transportation and housing options for all citizens.

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