Friday, March 15, 2024

March Meeting and Updates

Greetings friends! The spring winds are here. 

Meeting on March 20

Please attend our monthly meeting on March 20 at 6:00pm at Humble Coffee downtown (505 Central). County assessor Damien Lara will be presenting on how he is using tax policy to help support healthy development for our city. Social hour after the meeting. 

Park Clean-Up event on March 31st

Strong Towns ABQ will be gathering to make our community a little better on March 31 from 9-11am. We will be at Luecking South Park. Trash bags and gloves will be provided. Please dress appropriately. This is a great opportunity to get to know each other better and have a small but important impact on our community. If you would like to help out, please RSVP to, and you will get more details closer to the event. 

Downtown Redevelopment Plan - Public Input wanted!

On Wednesday, March 20 (yes, right before our Strong Towns ABQ meeting), the city is hosting an open house to gather the public's input in updating the downtown redevelopment plan. The current plan is from 2004, and you can read it here. It is long but worth browsing, to see what the priorities are currently, and to see where we can update it to better align with Strong Towns values. Please drop in and help shape the future of the downtown area. Check out the redevelopment team's website here

4:30-6:30pm at the Flue @ Railyards on March 20. 

Strong Towns National Gathering in Ohio May 14-15

We would love to send a group to the national gathering to represent New Mexico! One of our group members has a home and has offered it to be available to us! Please complete this survey if you are interested and we will connect you all. 

IDO Updates and Next Steps

At our last meeting we mentioned that we will be supporting a proposal to the IDO (the local zoning codes) to support duplex construction in more parts of the city. We are still working with our city councilors to see if they will be supporting this proposal. So stay tuned! We hope to have an update by our meeting on Wednesday. 

If you are a planning/development guru and have expertise in this area, we would love for you to consider joining our Duplex Working Group (if it happens). More to come on this, but we will need help from professionals in the field who can offer data driven support for this proposal. 

Dublin Banning Through Traffic in Downtown

Speaking of downtown visioning, here is an article about cars no longer being allowed to drive through the center of downtown Dublin, Ireland. Very interesting and something to strive for!

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