Tuesday, December 19, 2023

December 2023 Update - We had our first meeting!

My fellow Burquenos, 


What an amazing turnout for our first meeting. Thank you to everyone who attended, and thanks for being patient with the ad-hoc meeting format. I had expected a 4 person meeting, not a 75 person meeting. It's humbling to see the energy and passion of the people of Albuquerque. A special thanks to the other civic groups that shared our meeting flier and helped get the word out. 

We have a lot of work to do!

We will have our next meeting on 

January 17, 2024 

from 6-7:30pm

Humble Coffee downtown (505 Central). 

Feel free to stay after and get a beer at the food hall! 

A brief agenda of the next meeting: 

1. Determine our Mission and Purpose of our group
2. Set group norms
3. Education topic: TBD
4. Breakout groups

Prior to the meeting, we ask everyone to 

complete a survey 

so we can learn a bit more about our group members. This survey should take 5 minutes. This will help guide our breakout groups during our meeting. 

We are creating our Leadership Team. If you are interested in becoming a member of the leadership team, please send an email to 


Being part of the leadership team will require a small time commitment, so please only respond if you are able to follow through. In the email, please include any "special talents" you may have that will help make our organization effective. I'd love someone who is savvy with social media and website management, specifically, but if you're a genie or a magician that would also be 

In alignment with Strong Towns philosophy, we want our group to be 

organic, grassroots, bottom-up, and incremental. 

We're going to take it slow and get to know each other these first couple of months. If you have any ideas on how to make this group effective, joyful, meaningful, and fun, we are open to any and all suggestions. Send an email to strongtowns@gmail.com

Feel free to browse this article to learn a bit more about the Strong Towns approach. 

Feel free to share this "newsletter" widely, and you can subscribe to updates by submitting your email address in the widget on the right. 

The public comment period ends Dec. 17. Comments can be submitted via:

  • Emailed to the study team at study@i25scurve.com 

  • Through the study website at i25scurve.com via a survey and comment form 

  • Call the hotline at 505-600-2232

  • Mailed to the study team at 6001 Indian School Road NE, Ste. 250, Albuquerque, NM 87110

To receive a comment form, please visit i25scurve.com or call the study team at 505-600-2232.

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