Sunday, January 7, 2024

Meeting on 1/17 at Humble


Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 1/17/24 from 6-7:30p at Humble Coffee at the Downtown location (505 Central Ave). 

As it is our first working meeting, we will be goal setting and defining our purpose. We will also have small stations to visit. It's going to be fun and social! 

Feel free to stay afterward to have a beverage and hangout at 505 Central Foodhall. 

Please complete this survey prior to the meeting. We will be using the responses to guide our small group discussions. 

Strong Towns issues have been in the news recently.  

Check out this article from NPR about parking lot minimums. 

Check out The Daily Podcast episode about pedestrian deaths in the US. 

Complete this survey about the future of transit in the Albuquerque metro area. Your input matters!

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